
Increase health literacy with a collection of high quality condition and treatment handouts

Resources for prevention and early intervention

Our integrated health content is independently verified, up-to-date, and can assist you at any stage of your healthcare journey. All you need to do is search, select, and be supported with your wellbeing.

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Benefits to the Patient, GP and FactSheet Sponsor

Benefits to GP

  • Gain insight into new treatments, their MOA, how it benefits their patient cohort and guidance on how to prescribe OR refer
  • Enhanced ability to navigate clinical software and gain access to valuable resources at the point of care
  • GPs can self-accredit CPD points for reading your factsheets
  • Stay informed on patient symptoms and conditions

Benefits to Patient

  • Have the confidence that their GP has access to the best treatment and referral pathway for their health needs
  • Access to resources that support their discussion with the GP

Benefits to Government, Corporate and Not-for-Profit

  • Provide doctors with access to up-to-date information on new therapy areas, clinical data, medication & device support and updates; PBS updates, clinical guidelines, product use, patient support programs
  • Support patient outcomes and manage patient expectations

HealthShare FactSheets engagement

Fact sheet opens per month

pieces of verified health content

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